Farewell to Dr. Renee Salvino

Sanders Court Pediatrics would like to extend our best wishes to Dr. Salvino on her recent retirement. Dr. Renee Salvino has been caring for patients at Sanders Court Pediatrics for over 15 years. Below is a letter from Dr. Salvino to her many patients that she has cared for over the years.

Dear Parents and Patients,
I want to let you know that after much time and consideration, I have decided to retire.  I have gone through successful colon cancer treatment, and for that, I am thankful and grateful to all my doctors, nurses, family and friends.  It seems like a good time in life to now step back from my career and spend more unrestricted time with family and friends.
It has been my deep honor and privilege to have been part of your family’s life. I have even had the great joy of seeing and caring for the children of my prior patients.  I look back at my 30-plus year career with humble appreciation for the trust you have put in me in allowing me to provide your health care, and in allowing me to be part of your family’s story.  Thank you so very much.
I’m looking forward to retirement and spending more time with my family both at home and in travel.  I have always wanted to take up pottery making, and I now am enjoying doing this at Harper College.  I will miss seeing you all.  For the little ones, I will miss seeing their all too fast development into their own unique personalities.  For the high school and college group, I wish you all good things as your hard work and dreams lead you into your future.  I’ve so much enjoyed hearing about your journey.  
Best wishes to you all for good health and happiness.  Again, thank you so very much for allowing me to be part of your family’s care. It has been a great honor.

Renee M. Salvino
PS    I would be delighted to hear updates from you all.  Please feel free to send any messages to me at : [email protected]